Saturday, June 2, 2007

Something to make me smile

You know how the little things sometimes cause the biggest smiles?

I made my way to a "real" grocery store today to stock up on some food and apartment items. There are 3 stores within close walking distance but all are rather small and very expensive. There are several larger more reasonably priced groceries 3K or so away. So I got up this morning, took a scenic stroll over the harbor bridge and went to a big grocery store. I stocked up on a bunch of stuff and took the bus back over the bridge. All and all a smooth experience and the prices were MUCH more reasonable (not compared to Atlanta, but compared to places I've been up until now...).

Anyhow....the thing that made me smile; I was unpacking my groceries this morning and broke out in a HUGE grin when I pulled out the box of facial tissue I bought! I grinned because I bought for my wonderful wife who was born with a rather perpetually running nose and I knew she'd be here VERY soon and need them! I can't wait............

The rest of my Saturday was great. Weather continues to be awesome....right at 70 today but I hear it will be cooling down a bit later this week. After the morning grocery excursion, I ran over the Centennial Park and the Fox Entertainment District. The Aussie Stadium (Rugby) and Sydney Cricket fields are over there as well. Nice place....a HUGE park with people strolling, playing cricket in the fields, and horseback riding. Ran back via Paddy's Market and bought a pound of shrimp and some veges for dinner. My first meal cooked here (other than one pasta night). Yummy.


Trisha said...

So, no surprise that the end to your temporary bachelorhood brought on the need to find a REAL grocery store. I am glad you found Kleenex for Delane -- I hear that Koala's are mean little suckers, especially when you wipe your nose on them - :P

PS - Jim, be sure to ask Delane about the arrangements I asked her to make when she arrives!

jab said...

Hey have me curious about the "arrangements". It is top on my list! :)